Enjoyed the solitude that rain and country riding brings. Rode 65 miles on gravel roads and dirt trails. Drizzled in the beginning, rained hard after my turn around and stopped raining before I finished. 
Had to stand on the pedals and crawled forward at times the wind and rain was so gusty.
Packed two 32 oz water bottles and a 24 oz Mountain dew to wash down my two granola bars. Lost my pop somewhere on the trail and found it again after 50 miles and riding my way back home, laying on the trail. Stopped in the town of Dyersville at my favorite pop machine and refluided. Wore my rain jacket and rain pants and a water proof helmet cover, would take them on and off as rain started and stopped. MPH was slow, gravel and dirt was sloppy and sticky, tires didn't roll easily. Came home and went into a feeding frenzy and ate chicken, rice, lasagna, cheese, and sausage. Part of the fun of riding 6 hours in wet, windy conditions.
I hope for more riding tomorrow too, just no rain.
Good job today Mr. D, even if you were soaked to the bones. Thank heavens for food....and good cooks.
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