Rode my legs off, until there was no more left. Legs are fatigued, but feels good to get the kind of work out I did this weekend. Rode a dirt century, some rain, wind gusts, a cool day. Did not see another biker all day. Don't they know they're missing out on a lot of fun?
Hope your weekend went well too.
Hey, you put in some really hard ridin' this weekend.
Awesome miles. I can imagine your legs are screaming from fatigued...but it's a good feeling right?
Two of my buddies, John Gorrilla and Charles Parsons were among the 8 who finished this years TransIowa.
It was cut short by the bad weather.
Amazing, what the riders endured. I was listening the audio reports and Sir Gorrilla was hammering and sharing the lead with Joe Meiser until the shutdown. Bravo.
Dave - you are an animal!!! Nice riding!
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