
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

vanity of vanities; all is vanity

Ecclesiastes 1

So tonight's road ride, a good wind at my back. Feeling full of energy, feeling strong. My neighbors. Ed and Peg, pass me on their Honda 3 wheeler motortricycle and we nod at each other. I hang on to their wheel, and follow. The pace picks up, a windy day at my back and makes it possible for me to keep up. I stay on their tail and check my speed. 28 mph. YIKES!!!! OK the only way I can do this is a good strong wind at my back, a good road bike, pavement, not too long, and vanity. I'm thinking let me show them what this old guy has in him. I am dying!!!! I am sucking air. I need oxygen and maybe a AED machine. So after a couple of miles of this we approach a stop sign, just in time, I get to stop. I could not have kept this up, and I pull next to them. Peg the passenger didn't know I had tailed them, and looked surprised. I pretended not to be in an extreme oxygen dept, smiled and peddled past them, they turned left. 10 minutes later I was still sucking air, and in an oxygen dept. Next time they see me they'll think, man that guy is an manimal.
Vanity of Vanity, all is vanity.
For goodness sakes, for your own good, don't be like me. :-) 



Harry Legge's Cycling Blog said...

I'm always a little faster when someone's lookin', and make sure I'm recoverin' when no one else is around.

Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with pulling 28 hours no matter what the situation.

Recover in discretion - everyone will know you are an animal!

TrevorW�� said...

I am the same Dave.....just can't help it... it's fun though.!!
