
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I couldn't help myself

This tree just snapped with the high winds last week.
See the gravel dust down the road? This guy just blew by me in a pick up truck about 60 mph. Gee thanks for not running into me when you fishtaled around me.

Glad I wasn't underneath this tree when the wind snapped it off.

Well I went and did "it" again. "It" being another dirt century, inspite of nursing a sore knee, and making a doctor's appointment this July 14th to take a LQQK at it. Got caught in a rain storm. Should have known better, should have packed a rain jacket, trusted the weathermanwoman. HeShe said no rain till later in the day. So somewhere way out there on a dirt trail a chill'n rain caught me. Enjoyed.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Geepers Creepers

Some of the trails are "weeding" shut.
Well, I haven't been writing here much, cause..............................well..............................well because I have been whining and short of endorphins. I wrenched my knee, several weeks ago, not sure what I did, however I still kept riding, rode 107 miles on Motrin and hurts. Dumb. My knee swelled up, now I haven't been able to ride. This knee has had two ACL breaks, a MCL break, medial cartilage removal 4 surgeries etc, so it knows the territory.

I am schedule to see a knee surgeon July 14th, so we'll see where that goes. BUT!!!! today I did ride, rode 35 miles out on the dirt trails, loved it. Got me thinking of all the power lifting, running, swimming and things like that I have been doing my whole life, bicycling is the most fun. So right or wrong, if knee behaves I will ride a dirt century Tuesday.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Alien Life Form found in Lakeville MN

Thjs young alien was discovered in Lakeville Mn. Just kidding Melissa and Brook. :-)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

107 dirt miler

Abandoned silos, abandoned vehicles.


Horsie, listen to your mama.

Was able to take today off unexpectedly. So I couldn't help myself. Rode on, and rode some more, rode trails 107 Miles. Nothing more exhilarating then to have the day off, your mate is working, bike is running great, weather cooperates and you can wander all over the countryside. Saw this snake trying to slide away. Grabbed his tail and pulled him back so I could take a picture. He was about 4 feet long, and stuck his tongue out at me and hissed. Mama horse and baby horse out chill'n together.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Stroll

Spent the afternoon riding around town. Disappointed had planned to ride a 100 Miler in the dirt. Told Dave-of-Cup I was going to do so.
Radar LQQKed like violent storms and lightening, so I opted not.
Stopped in to visit GrandPa and GrandMa. Best to visit family when they are around.

There are a lot neat paved trails in Dubuque.

This route runs along the Mississippi River.
Wanted to check out if any repairs had been done on Heritage trail so I ventured that way a bit. This bike with 25 cc road slicks makes for an interesting ride on this surface.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Meet Cole Alexander, my grandson. Isn't he a good looking young fellow?

Friday, June 5, 2009

I am a grandPA!!!!

Yeap, I am. Name at this point unknown. AWESOME!!!! Great Job Melissa and Brook.

Rode hard the last two days. Hour each day. Had the zip in the legs. Looking at a 100 miler Sunday dirt trail riding. Remains to be seen.

Ride on

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"ho-hum" ride

All this biking has made me so thin.

Don't know why, but was physically ready, beautiful day, but the ride wasn't a "buzz" at 25 miles I thought man, I'm bored. that is so rare for me. Rode 62 miles cross country, did enjoy for the most part. I leave you these pics. There is one of my dog getting her teeth brushed by my son Joshua.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1st Grandson is on the way

NEWS from up north, from my daughter Melissa. She is going to have her baby Friday. Wow, the reality of that hasn't sunk in yet.

Monday, June 1, 2009

no ZIP, no ZAP i am outta GAS

Energy levels are about zero today after work. Sat around and ate until I exploded for my work out tonight. :-)
Hoping for energy, and a dirt century this wednesday.
over and out