Took a 1/2 day off to ride a bicycle in the woods and play in the dirt, every kid's dream come true.
The woods was dry and the snow gone here, I could ride anywhere I liked. Later I would run into plenty of slick melting ice.
VROOOM VROOM all I need is a motor on this thing.
My bike is tired, she laid down here. I had to kick start her to get her going. 40 miles today, some rough, some not so rough. My legs are zapped. Feels good. Can't wait to do this again.
Still lot of ice where the sun don't shine. Lotz of pictures today.
Thanks for the visit.
Damn man, we still have 2 1/2 - 3' of snow here!!
Besides winter, spring and fall are some of the best times I have riding through the woods. (IE: no trail needed)
The big fat tires have no problem going through anything the terrain can throw at them; with minimum damage. Once the foliage grows in the bombing through the woods is on hold til fall.
My 15 & 7 yr. old boys are bugging me for "Fat" bikes!! Looks like I'm gonna have to hump some O.T. for that to happen. Lol
Unless their gonna get a J...... O....... B........ ;)
Man, no snow. I need to move south.
Its amazing how fast the snow in your area has disappeared.
I have no idea what we have back home - I know SoCal is 70 and awesome. Just wish I had time for the bike but that happens tomorrow!
I'm jealous!
Feels like the Summer here, can't believe you still have white stuff.
Man, the snow melts quick in Iowa. Spring is creeping up here in the Northwest, trees are budding and springing leaves. My itchy eyes as proof.
Still plenty of rain though - that doesn't end until July or so....
Great to see that you snow is moving on and you are getting some good rides...Looks good in those woods..
We seem to be having an early spring, hope it continues. Global warming is probably part of the formula. Bring it on.
Dang that's still a lot of snow. Good thing that never stops ya :)
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