After a slow sluggish start, with no zip, no zap, got on the bike around 11:00. Rode 25 miles out in the country. 6 MPH average was about it. Some places looked ridable, looked like only 3 inches of snow, but it was not as it seemed. It was 3-4 inches of snow on top of a crust that had 10-12 inches of snow under it. My tires would break through and bog out.
Now, on to something I wish wasn't the case.
"The knee, the knee, always the knee" said Vince Lombardi.
My knee has been becoming more and more problematic lately. The knee I injured quite severely in 1972. I've had four surgeries over the years to help gain more time. I really can't complain due to the severity of the injury and the fact that I have had a very active lifestyle. Competing in running, power lifting, swimming and bicycling.
Last week it was swollen up on me, and I had it checked at the bone doc's. X-rays were taken and knee was drained and given a shot of xylocaine. I've been there done that before.
Friday the doctor's office called my cell phone. X-rays are showing joint deterioration, arthritis, and very little cartilage remaining. All this injury is on the inside of the knee.
So what's next? I am going to be scheduled for Viscosupplementation.
SAY WHAT!?!?!?
Well that is that gel injection that the ortho docs are doing now. Sorta like a lubricant for the knee joint.
My plans are to keep biking, I hope this treatment helps, will see. My plans are still to ride in Triple D, this Jan 16th, a 65 mile snow race on snow mobile trails unless the knee makes it obvious that I won't.
When are you going to have the knee stuff done?
Not sure Tom. Doc's office has to get the ok from insurance. Probably in late Jan. If I understand what google'n told me, it is only 2 days after each shot I have to stay off the bike.
Good luck with the knee Dave, hope it's not as painful as it sounds.
Good luck with the knee juice! Blog about how ya feel after it.... my dad has some knee issues, and has been using it as an excuse to not bike :) heh
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