Trail was dry enough here, to ride easily.
I think this tree has a bad tumor.
Here the gravel was loose and soft, was hard to pedal through it. After about 40 miles, I got my mojo back. Picked up the pace, put my head down, grabbed the drops and started to work. I heard a dog barking, looked in that direction and saw a farm dog coming at me. I hollered loud and the dog slowed down, but kept advancing on me. I got off the bike and kept the bike between me and the barking dog. The dog started to get braver and moving closer to me. I brought out my secret weapon. I brought along for times like this. A dog biscuit, and threw it at him, he sniffed it for a bit, while I started pedaling away, mission accomplished. Rode perhaps 70 miles, on gravel and dirt. Odometer said 62 miles, but it also quit working several times, it has a bad connect and I would wiggle to reestablish the connection. Beautiful day, perfect riding conditions, gimme more, gimme more.
Thanks for visiting.
Sounds like a good day of riding....lucky duck!
A dog biscuit? How about one of those bacon treats for dogs? Dogs cause me anxiety while riding!!!!
You picked a good day to put in a MC.
Won't be long I'll have a chance to ride some good old gravel! I went to a prairie area with my boys Tuesday and just driving the gravel was a challenge for my Volvo. It is really soft out there right now. Keep on!
Great job! MC is not irish Metric Century - too funny!
Nice long ride - especially this early in the season.
I guess if you were hungry enough - could eat some of the dog biscuits yourself. I've been on rides where that might have not been a bad idea....
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