Gonna have to get some good lights for the bike, spinning indoors
fries the mind eventually. I can take 30 to 60 minutes but after that my mind starts to go crazy. Put me on a dirt trail and and I can ride all day. Hope to crank some good
mileage this weekend out yonder.
What kind of trainer is that?
I think I need to get one....
as long as Im in front of TV, I think the mind-numb will be ok. :)
They are called rollers, I use a front fork mount, some keep the front tire on and balance the bike as it rolls the rollers. Here is a couple links for you to look at.
Click the indoor tab.
good luck,
I just bought a fluid trainer and have ridden to a serious sweat a couple of times so far. Lots of rubber boogers on the floor, is that normal? I have a huge flat ridge on the rear tire now, but the rubber has quit coming off. "Remember to save enough energy to get back up the stairs!" Later!
Hmmm, rubber boogers, that does not sound right. I've been using these rollers for the last 10 years, but going to do more winter outdoor riding this year.
Happy ride
Thanks for the info Dave !!:)
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