Friday-Biked 1.5 hrs
Saturday Biked 1.5 hrs and lifted
Sunday Biked 1 hr hard pace,
Monday Lifted
Check out my 1/2
Liter of Dirt

Drove car up to St Paul Minn area yesterday (300 miles). Visted with daughter Melissa, and Son in law Brook. Headed home today. Was a short visit just to chit chat and out to eat with Melissa, drink a few beers with Brook. Melissa is about ready to pop, (a.k.a. she's 9 months pregnant) So soon I will be a grandpa. :-)
I'll spend some more time up there after junior arrives. So I have to find some bike riding area around Lakeville Minn.
My knee is still bugging me, Wed or Thursday this week I will see how far I can ride with it.
Happy rides