After repairs, and all the inactivity I was feeling the frozen landscape settle into my bones I needed to get back on the bike and I needed to get going. It would be dark in a few hours, I was a long way from finishing. I had close to 20 miles of level travel mixed with slick ice and frozen gravel before the final section of ATV trails, steep climbs, creek crossings, and the finish, at the Best Western Hotel. I wanted to finish what I started at 10:00 this morning. One by one cyclists crossed the frozen creek near the start and return finish of the race Each one of us hoped we would not break through.

The next stop would be the Durango Depot bar a mandatory
check in. I was hitting patches of ice and trying to ride through them without
crashing and trying to gain time on the gravel sections when I could.
I was following another rider that was in front of me while watching him maneuver over the multiple stretches of ice. I was impressed at how well he was finding a line riding without studded tires. I waiting for a safe opportunity to pass him watching his rear wheel and then I saw his rear wheel slide to side and down he went on the ice. Hard. As he was trying to stand back up his feet slid out from under him on the glare ice and down again he went. I stayed with him and chatted a bit making sure he was ok and then moved on ahead.
I was following another rider that was in front of me while watching him maneuver over the multiple stretches of ice. I was impressed at how well he was finding a line riding without studded tires. I waiting for a safe opportunity to pass him watching his rear wheel and then I saw his rear wheel slide to side and down he went on the ice. Hard. As he was trying to stand back up his feet slid out from under him on the glare ice and down again he went. I stayed with him and chatted a bit making sure he was ok and then moved on ahead.

Darkness and fatigue often seem to be partners. They were
both now starting to visit me. I rolled into the Durango Depot to check in. Before
entering into the bar I checked my water bottles for refill. I downed one, and
drank what fluid I could get out of the other one.

Spinner who was racing and pulling a lead with the front
riders when I last saw him at 10:00 this morning was doing the checking in. He
had taco’d his bike when his BB bearings froze up. He told me when it happened
he was hot on the tail of the 3rd place contestant. In spite of the
unfortunate circumstances he was all smiles and an encouragement to me.
I leaned over the bar and ordered two cans of coca cola and
downed both. Looking around I saw Adam and a few others leaving, wanting to get
er done. I chatted with Traci and Karmen two cyclists in the Poker Run, briefly
and out the door I too went. I thought I had about an hour and half left with
hilly ATV trails and wooded sections.
I flung the ice out of my one water bottle thinking no sense
packing extra weight and decided to finish without any more additional fluids.
It was now dark. Riding along I had some concern about my
lighting. My battery being out in the cold all day was already indicating mid
power range a few minutes after turning it on. I was seeing other cyclists’
lights at times. Some in front of me, some behind me. We all had one goal in
the same, to finish and get off these bikes.
Now off the trail and riding ATV trails approaching the
first steep climb my front tire broke through ice and into water, surprising me
it wasn’t froze solid.
I didn't notice right away but one of the riders was Nick, my friend and fellow cyclist. Nick runs the
Cup-O-Dirt and we got together a couple of times last year living in different
cities. Nick was riding with his friend Jared and now my friend too.
Nick says to me let's ride this out together. I said to the
two of them I didn’t want to slow them down, that I felt like an empty gas tank
that somebody punched a hole in. Jared replied we all are, let’s ride. We
formed a bond without saying anymore and rode on, the three of us.
Our lights were going dim, I couldn’t see well and was
riding without distinguishing clearly what was ice and what was not. We had
finished a series of hills and now were catching our last breather on a mile or
so section of pavement, which gave us a bit of a break and a bit of some chat
…and then we were lost. Yes LOST!!! We must have wandered
off the grass trail and into a woods. We saw blinking lights to our left and
hollered over asking if he was lost. It was Troy and Troy wasn’t lost, we were.
So packing, dragging, pushing our bikes through a pathless woods to get back on
the trail while Troy waited with his rear light blinking as our navigational
Now the four of us were headed towards the finish line
together. Troy had passed me twice while I was repairing flats, and I passed
him up at each of the mandatory stops and check in locations.
Working our way together, on single path, mixed with some ATV double path we were not talking much.
We were now out of the woods figuratively and literally. It was just a few miles of pavement left. We all stopped together. Jared pulled out PJB sandwiches with raisons and honey and offered me a hunk and passed some around to the others. It was like a celebratory meal we were breaking bread. It tasted so good, it was almost froze and but I was low on fuel and it was hitting the spot.
We were now out of the woods figuratively and literally. It was just a few miles of pavement left. We all stopped together. Jared pulled out PJB sandwiches with raisons and honey and offered me a hunk and passed some around to the others. It was like a celebratory meal we were breaking bread. It tasted so good, it was almost froze and but I was low on fuel and it was hitting the spot.
When we got back on our bikes and onto the pavement I
noticed my front tire was going flat again. I didn’t care anymore, I would drag
this bike to the finish if I had to.
With low tire pressure I pedaled on next to Troy, Jared and
Nick were right behind us, we made small chat and pulled into the hotel parking
lot. Our journey was finished. Bill S. a DDD volunteer every year came out and
asked for the order of arrival for the race records, we said we all finished
At the finish, with my friend and 4th place finisher Joe S. His wife Tina was the only woman finisher in the 64 mile race.