My bike has been parked leaning against the dining room table since last night. I have to take care of the small details the night before, or I too often forget something, like a tire patch kit, anti-bonk snack, and other things like that. I walk my bike out the front door, turn on my heart monitor and am surprised it is only 52 bpm my mind is going much faster.
I am on my bike now, I ride out of town through city streets, knowing the risks I hop on the highway with no shoulder and hug the white fog line like it's my imaginary safety net from 5000 lb bone crushing four wheel killing machines, and onto a county trail at last.
Everything is now changed. I no longer have a low heart rate, thoughts in my mind have slowed way down, the frost is leaving, and I am feeling very relaxed. Perfect.
Here's a Iowa road for ya, this will be a mud slide after a rain. This next picture was a standing corn field last week, now it is all picked, the scenery is changing fast at this time of year out in Iowa farm lands.
Now I know how the Gnomes make it to the top of the trees to their Gnome Tree Top huts, they build tree steps. Who would have known??
I was becoming satisfied with mediocrity in today's ride effort. I have been pushing the metric centuries and the last couple of weeks to 3 a week. Lately I have had some pleasurable hard rides. My legs felt heavy but willing to just keep moving so I could get home and get off the bike. Then this happened.
To end the night my son Josh stops over with his Halloween costume. Josh is a free spirit, he knows how to enjoy today and we work at thinking about tomorrow just a little bit. He was really acting the part. Priceless.
Well seems tomorrow's agenda is the same as today's. Imagine that.