Grasshoppers would jump in front of my rolling front wheel, and pop out of the way of getting crushed at the last second.
Fat Monarch caterpillars would be crawling across the road, I would make sure I swerve around them, so I can see butterflies next spring.
Stopped and talked to Del and Kevin, two county road repair guys, my son Caleb used to work with them. They love working out in the country, I see them ever so often, and they are always a pleasant chat.
Mary, I lady I see walking the trails near the town of Dyersville from time to time said something to me as I was riding by. I pulled my ear buds out of my ears and said "pardon me"
She asked me if I wanted to see a gigantic hornets nest if I wouldn't tell others of it's location. I was certainly interested. So after a short walk back on the trail she pointed over yonder, and WOW, this was the the mother of all hornets nests. Mary shared with me she collects hornets nest, and had her eye on this one for a long time. She was worried that this would be found by kids and busted up as the leaves are leaving. So she is working on a plan, and looking for a bee suit.
I never get tired of riding, may never know the reason why, but I don't need to know, I'll just keep doing.
Have you ever rode across rocks like these and have a rock go flying with the velocity to drop a rhino? You can really feel the snap, and here the "bonk" Well now I understand now that these rocks build up significant amounts of energy before they fly. Yeap I read it all right here on Gravelo's blog.
Arrived home, hungry, and ate 3 brats, and a peanut butter sandwich. GOOD GRIEF!!! PIG OUT, no wonder I can't fit into my kindergarten graduation suit anymore.
And I still have no hair clippers yet. JOSH!!!!!
Well I didn't get the garage stained again this weekend. Seems biking was on top of the priority list. Not the first or the last chore by a long shot that will get put off for a life centered around long bicycling rides.
All I can say is, "Mama don't let your babies grow up to be bicyclers"
Do these creatures attack humans? Thanks for stopping by,
It's said this cut through the rocks was made with picks and wheel barrows in the 1800's to make way for the Railroad. All three of us were cold and wet, I was headed home to a warm house, they didn't tell me where they were headed.
Well glad you visited,
Over and out, and go out and play.
My plans are, right or wrong is to stay off the bike till Saturday, then jump on and ride a metric gravel century. I am chopp'n at the bit. If that works, I'll do er again Sunday. If it doesn't work I will seek medical advice. Ta-da.
Back in 1992 I had this condition, called,Spondylolisthesis which is a fracture in the vertebra causing L5 to slip forward. That hurt.
Saw this house on the way out of town, There are blocks and blocks of these houses being torn down, to make a water route for city flooding.
This corn was all under water several weeks ago, when the whole area flooded. Now it is dead corn.
I wonder what gear ratio I'd need to crank this tire. The ultimate snow machine. Perfect riding weather today. Saw lots of other riders out on the trails. Every week there will be less and less other riders, as fall turns to winter, I'll usually not see anyone else riding a bike once the snows show up.
On my return trip I observed a car coming at me, ahead on the trail. There was not enough room for both of us. I wondered what was up. As the car got closer I noticed this is a police car. So we met out in nowhere. He stopped me, and asked it saw on man in his 70s walking around out here. Poor man, I guess he has severe dementia and left his residence and was not to be found. I told the police man, no I haven't but if I find him, I'll try to keep him close and dial 911. I didn't see him, I hope somebody has by now.
My bike needs some serious attention. Need to break her down, grit and grime have penetrated every moving part.
Well did dirt metric century #65 today. I keep plugging away. Too early to start a count down to 100 and lock in. I will just keep getting em in when I can.
Over and out.
This little fellow rode a long ways with me. There was no charge for the ride.
Odd, this morning, the water from my faucets had a slight discoloration, I'm thinking, what next? In my first block of pedaling I discovered this in the streets, a major water main break. The second break was a block further away. I went home and filled up the tub, and several buckets of water, I figured that would be enough to share with the neighbors to flush toilets if we didn't have water this weekend. I was surprised, when I came back home from my ride, the damage was repaired. I said to one of the workers you guys don't mess around.
Well thanks for visiting,