Monday, work, rode bicycle for an hour, lifted weights, and went to my dad's to check out a computer problem he was having. I was looking forward to pigging out, eating junk food, however my guts didn't feel right didn't feel like eating, one of my favorite pastimes.
Stomach pains got worse as the night went on, didn't sleep much. Hurt on the right side. Hmmm. I'm thinking I am having an appendicitis. So Tuesday morning phoned my doctor, and he wasn't in town for the day.
So went to acute care, and packed an overnight bag. Doc examined, had blood work done, that was OK, urine sample that was OK, however the symptoms did not look good. So he sent me to radiology I drank some syrup, and they put something in my veins and did a CT. Well, damn, my appendix was inflamed, swelled up, and infected. So they yanked it out and I spent the night in the hospital.
Doc told me no bicycling for 2 weeks, What is he thinking?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Metric Century #30 for 2009
I don't think my brake levers should be angled this way. 
Here I am thanking my "Racing Ralph's" for not going flat and not dumping me.
That was until this!!!!. I got dumped. Trail was overgrown with about 12" of grass. I was hopping over small limbs. Didn't see one under the grass and my front tire slid sideways and me over the handle bars. Said a bad word on the way down. Jammed my wrist, banged my knee. Had 40 miles to go, so off I went. 
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
100 Miler or FLATS SUCK!!!!!
Ran into this fellow today. "Keith Nothnagel" he is riding across country to promote a recovery from addiction house he will be opening. He shared with me he loss most his life's earnings with the recession. He was involved with financing and investments. So now he is at his happiest, pedaling across country, he prefers the solitude of gravel roads, I do too. 

Boats down by the Mississippi River. 
I rode 100 miles today. Two friggin flats. Also broke a spoke on my front tire, had to disconnect front brake cable because front tire was wobbling to much. Was 20 miles from home with the broken spoke. Rode back home, had a spare rim and tire I put on and thought I need 20 miles more for 100 and back out I went. The rear tire soon started losing air. The last hour I had to stop and put air in tire every 10 minutes. I need to look into Slime Tubes.
There was billions of bugs to inhale and somehow get past your sunglasses an into your eyes.
So peace and happy rides.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A day on the trail
Spent the day out on Heritage trail and gravel roads. Ran into this couple they were riding a tandem to New Orleans, that is a long ways away from Iowa like over 1000 miles. They had a flat, their spare tube was not holding air, neither was the patch, they were stranded on a gravel road between Graf Iowa and Epworth Iowa two small towns without a bike shop. My cell doesn't work there, I suspect theirs didn't either. He thought he was hosed. Well hark, I was their guarding angel in surprise I'm sure they were not expecting help way out in the middle of no wheres. I had a spare tube and handed it over, and they were able to get a go'n. Glad to help fellow bikers. It will come back around. 
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Work, ride, eat and sleep
Typical day is work, come home take a 15 minute power nap, ride hard for an hour, chill with my lady, and sleep. Days are getting shorter, I see darkness coming at me before I finish my daily ride. Will be putting lights on bike soon. Winter is next. Last fall I bought a used Schwinn Rocket, put Nokien 2.25 studded tires on and rode as many weekends as I could on the snow and ice covered trails. Thinking about a different winter bike, not sure. I do enjoy winter rides out on country trails and roads, peaceful, sure beats indoor rollers.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Century Ride today
Dry roads today, perfect riding weather. Hard to believe leaves are falling all ready, summer is behind us and in 4 months we will be in the dead of winter. Shush it up Dave!! My rear tire flatted at about 10 miles, I carry a spare tube and a patch kit. Replaced tube and found a very tiny little rock embedded in my tire and poking into the tube. Back on my way. Didn't bring enough water, I drank 64 oz by about mile 20. Additional fluids not available until mile 32. I picked up 64 oz of water, a 20 oz mineral drink, and 16 oz Amp. Was thirsty. Had good pedaling power. 
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thinsg that go BUMP#$%$#
Out for a ride, on road bike today. I always try to keep an intense focus on what cars are going to do. A lot of times you can tell if a driver "sees" you by the look in their eyes as they are stopped at the stop sign. I look at parked cars I pass to see if there is a driver in them that will open their car door on me. Ouch. Today I was riding down a slight hill starting to slow down as I approached a cull-De-sac. I saw a driver starting to back out of the driveway and not looking at all. I caught this in time to stop. However I slightly eased off my brakes and let my front tire bump his car. I hollered at him, "BE MORE CAREFUL" I startled him, I wanted to. Hopefully he'll look better next time, hopefully he won't kill a biker. 

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Country riding
When I first caught these red leaves out the corner of my eyes, I thought it was a bird at first. 
Rode out Heritage Trail, for 62 miles today, that makes Metric Century #27 and 100 Miler #5 riding on dirt for the year. I have learned to drink more water on these rides, really helps. I have two 32 oz water bottles, I drink both of them and a pop, before the half way point. I refill and do that again on the return trip. If temps are above 80 then it takes more fluids. I will also pack a couple of snacks, helps keep the "bonk" away. Days are getting shorter, I can still ride for an hour after work, plenty of daylight. But that will be gone in December, I am thinking about a different winter bike, studded snows, front suspension, disk brakes.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today, 100 miles
Country roads 
Rode down by the Mississippi river, 
Through the back alleys downtown headed to the country. 
Awww the trail, much more peaceful now. 
Foggy out this morning, started riding at 7:30, had a helmet liner and gloves on when first started. It was in the 40s. Had a flat tire about 20 miles outside of town. Had one spare tube and no patch kits. Repaired tire, but did not want to get further away from town with no way to fix another flat. So I just rode back roads, got 100 miles in. 
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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