Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Metric Century 62 miles on dirt and gravel
Lots and lots of rain the last week, a lot of puddles. 
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My PaPa
Surprise, for me. Out riding around town today, and who do I run into walking? None other then my father, all of 85 years young. I said hey papa, hold my bike let me take a picture of you. He then asked "What for, your Blog or something?" Well he be correct. :-)
Sniff...........what is that smell? ohhh that is the smell of another dirt century tomorrow. YaHoo.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I killed a ground hog today.
Geeesh. Riding through Eagle Point Park on road bike. Saw another rider in front of me banging out a good pace. So I thought, let me try and catch him. I was on his tail having fun, both of us going about 25 mph. He slowed down, I passed him, rounded a corner at about 20 mph, and right directly in front of me was a ground hog. Ground hog started to run out from being in front of me, then turned around and ran right into my front tire. I thought I am going down on the pavement now. My front tire hit him square in the head, I was flying bike hopped in the air, and rear tire ran over Mr Ground Hog. Much to my astonishment, I stayed on the bike, and Ground hog never even wiggled. Here he is moved to the side of the road. Don't know how but he must have died instantly. Maybe a snapped neck. The bicyclist behind me came up next to me and said "WoW!!" "Neve a dull moment bike riding."
Sunday, August 23, 2009
100 Miles on country roads. Zonked and Bonked.
See picture on bottom of bridge repair, this is what it looked like last winter. 
Fresh gravel on this road, it was a bit of a wild ride, sliding around. 
Bridge repair, finally. I have been climbing down the bank and through the creek, and back up the bank. See winter picture of this spot. 
Did a Dirt Century, 100 Miler today. Don't know why it was so hard today. After about 70 miles in, it became all grind. Didn't want to quit for two reasons. #1 I'm too stubborn. #2 I needed to get home.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
HEY HEY It's the weekend.
Chill'n with my honey, some beers and a campfire on the back deck last night. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Went up North this weekend.
Drove up to see Sir Cole, and his mama and daddy this weekend. Was enjoyable. Will be seeking longer stay up in the Lakeville Mn. area and finding bike trails to ride. Got a few ideas.
Been doing my bike ride on pavement most days and some weight lifting. Helps me chill out after work.
And here is my grandson, Cole Alexander.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Metric Century #25 in the dirt.
Walking the plank to get across the downed bridge. A lot of washed up stuff sitting on the creek. 
Today was Metric Century #25 in the dirt for 2009, so 25 of them and 3 100 milers on the dirt for the year. Really pushed the pace hard, feel like burnt toast now. Speaking of "burnt" I thought I put brats on the grill, and take a quick shower. WRONG!!! the brat grease ignited and I have charcoal LQQKing brats.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Riding the storm out.
Ride started out so hot and humid. I drank 14 lbs of fluids in 62 miles. 
This man was kind enough to le me into his house, a complete stranger to him, and offered me beers. :-) The storm hit so hard out in the country, the sky was a deep blueish green, I needed cover was worried about trees blowing over, lightening, hail and a tornado. We sat around and BS'd he has lived in this for 37 years. 
I turned around to see this storm coming up over the hill and after me. There was this dark blue on the horizon, that was steadily rising. 
My new shoes are all dirty. 
Here is a very rare "bicycle tree" that fell down with the storm. I was able to pick a nice Trek XO2 from it. GOOD GRIEF!!!! I think I have cracked from riding in the heat today. 
Got caught in a bad storm, riding a dirt century, actually had to knock on a strangers house and ask for shelter. He was so sweet and obliging. See picture oh him, his house, and my bike. It started out so hot and humid, drank 2 gallons of water. Was in the town of Dyersville 32 miles from home, and the lady at the gas mart said potential tornadoes and large hail where headed this way 40 miles an hour. I tried to ride ahead of it and get back home. It got so dark I couldn't see. My pace was all out, and the storm, hail, lightening was kicking at my butt. No cell phone service. So thankful for good people and shelter out there.
Ride on
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wedding Day
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Back from out doing some riding.
Having snack, enjoying the scenery. I had recently read that these Granola bars I fuel up on were no more then a snicker bar in a different wrapper nutrient speaking. Perhaps true, two of the 5 main ingredients are sugar/brown sugar basically the same thing. Not that I am against junk food, we are good friends. It's that if you are planning on riding for several hours you do not want your insulin to spike, and try to plow through the following diminishing blood sugar levels. 
Iowa country. I so enjoy watching the 4 seasons come and go out here. beautiful. 
The winding road. 
Oh I got new biking shoes, they're nice. More power to the pedal, my olds were wore out, and would flex to much. 
Headed to the tree tunnel. 
Rode a country mile and then some today. 62 miles out on trail and gravel. Had to climb down a ravine and over some logs floating in a pile across a small creek while carrying my bike. Slipped on the muddy bank with my foot in between some branches from a fallen tree. That wrenched my "good knee" a little bit. Hurt to continue riding for awhile. After a bit it cooled down and would only hurt after I would stop, and then get restarted. So knee hear me now, don't you be giving me anymore trouble.
Have good days and good rides.
Have good days and good rides.
Monday, August 3, 2009
What goes up, must come down.
Crashed. I knew I would be, I have been pushing the pace, have had good energy. I know when that happens the day is soon, that I will be exhausted and need rest. Came home from work, fell asleep on the couch, Caleb my son took this picture. I did wake up a drink a cup of coffee and lifted weights for a bit. Legs were toast from the last three days.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
#22 Dirt Metric Century
Good Grief, leaves are starting to fall already. 
This is fun to cross carrying your bike. "Someday" the washed out bridge will get rebuilt. 
Here is my papa, 85 years young. 
LQQK what happened, my youngest turned 21 last week, and see what he is doing. 
Well today was dirt Metric Century #22 for the year. Had the time, had the energy, have a good bike, weather was good, so was a no brainer, ride I did. Using a heart rate monitor helps give me the straight scoop. Some times I feel I am working hard but the heart rate is just coasting. Today I kept focus up, kept the HR where I could hold it but kept the pace that required some discomfort. It was fun, my legs are a bit toasted from the last three days, 150 miles at a good pace. Probably there will nothing in them after work tomorrow. We'll see.
Went out to eat last night with Ma, Pa, Caleb my son, Melissa my daughter, Brook my son in law, Birgit my lady, and Sir Cole Alexander my grandson.
Went out to eat last night with Ma, Pa, Caleb my son, Melissa my daughter, Brook my son in law, Birgit my lady, and Sir Cole Alexander my grandson.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Tiny Cole is in town
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